The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is a breed bred on the basis of the most ancient Mastiff-like dogs that have lived in Turkey for more than one millennium. This is an exclusively working animal, intended for service to humans, and such a pet cannot sit idle. Taking such a dog into the house, a person acquires not only an assistant but also a great burden of responsibility. The dog is not suitable for beginners and needs a special approach.

History of the Breed

At home, the breed of these dogs is called the Anatolian Karabash, which translates as black-headed. Its roots go deep into the centuries, it is believed that the appearance of the ancestors of these dogs occurred 6,000 years ago in the area that is now occupied by modern Turkey.

The development of the breed took place in a natural way, the animals had to independently adapt to the harsh mountain conditions. Anatolian Shepherd Dog is a descendant of the most ancient breeds – Kangals, Akbash.

In the 70s, American breeders became interested in these dogs. They actively engaged in the development of the breed, developing a standard and taking care of good heredity. They began to cross the Turkish Kangals with representatives of other breeds, and the result was the emergence of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog.

At home, such dogs are perceived as a mestizo – a cross between Kangal and Akbash, that is, they did not find their recognition here. But thanks to such work, the whole world learned about Turkish dogs, and today many dog ​​breeders have the opportunity to get such an extraordinary pet.


Much of the appearance of these dogs are taken from their ancestors – the ancient giant Mastiffs who lived in the Middle East. The growth of an Anatolian Shepherd dog can reach 75-78 cm at the withers, and the weight can vary from 50 to 69 kg. Females are slightly more compact, their height usually does not exceed 76.2 cm, and their weight is 59 kg.

Representatives of the breed are strong, powerful animals, heavyweights, with a daring, but at the same time confident and calm character. They are proportionally folded, have a colorful appearance, from which exudes strength and confidence.

The dimensions of the animal in no way indicate the clumsiness or slowness of such individuals. Sheepdogs from Turkey are easy to move, have quick movements, and lightning-fast reactions.

The standard offers the following description of purebred dogs:

  • The head is rather large, with a broad, flat skull and a moderate dividing furrow. The skullcap must not disturb the overall proportionality of the fold.
  • The muzzle is square, with black lips and powerful jaws. Shepherd dog has strong, strong teeth, forming a correct bite like “scissors”.
  • Nose – the lobe is well defined, pigmented with brown or black color.
  • The eyes are small, slightly spaced, almond-shaped, set deep, with a brown or golden-amber iris. The look is sharp-sighted, attentive, serious, it is immediately clear that jokes with this guard are bad.
  • The ears are medium, in the form of hanging triangles.
  • Neck – well developed, powerful, arch-like, has a slight dewlap.
  • The body is rectangular, all proportions are preserved. The ribcage is deep, the line of the abdomen is slightly tucked up. The neck passes into a well-muscled back and sloping croup.
  • Tail – set high, long, curled up into a ring, well furred.
  • Extremities – powerful, straight, muscular, hind legs are stronger, better muscled; oval feet, well-arched toes, black-pigmented nails.

The coat of these dogs can be short – 2.5 cm in length, or elongated – about 10.15 cm. The texture of the guard hair is flat, not wavy or twisted. Dogs have a dense, thick undercoat.

In the neck area, the coat is thicker, the fur fits snugly to the skin, in the area of ​​the ears, tail, limbs, slight feathering is allowed. A coat that is too short and does not have an undercoat will result in the disqualification of the animal. The color can be any, but individuals with the following coat color are more common:

  • white;
  • liver;
  • tiger;
  • blue with a deer tone;
  • reddish deer;
  • white with a biscuit.

But more preferable is considered to be a basic tone with a tan or a fawn shade with a dark mask on the face and ears.


Once upon a time, the ancestors of these dogs were successfully used to hunt large animals, including lions. In addition, they did an excellent job of guarding and protecting the sheep, as if a dog sleeping among the herd could jump up and attack the attacker in seconds.

The breed is a working breed, which means that its representatives have all the character traits necessary for activity. Especially they have expressed protective instincts and increased territoriality, which were developed by the ancestors of Shepherds for centuries.

Such a pet quickly becomes attached to family members, gets acquainted with the property entrusted to him and livestock. He is infinitely loyal, he will protect the house and property until his last breath, but at the same time, he is not used to expressing his love and joy violently. The dog is suspicious of strangers, he does not like it when they approach him. If guests cause anxiety in the dog, then it can physically block their movements, preventing them from approaching the house and owners.

Keeping Anatolian Shepherds with other large dogs is not recommended, the dog will constantly show its leadership qualities, especially if you have two males of this breed. But smaller animals and even cats will not cause aggression in the dog, of course, if the dog is properly raised.

Representatives of this breed are brave and vigilant guards, therefore it is recommended to use them for their intended purpose.


These large, stately animals are rather unpretentious. Twice a year they go through an abundant coat change, and at this time it is recommended to comb the dog out using a stiff brush.

1-2 times a week, the ears and eyes of the dog should be examined, if necessary, they are cleaned of accumulated dust, dirt, and secretions. In a dog of this breed, plaque can form on the teeth, in which case they will need to be regularly cleaned. You should also give your dog large bones and dental treats to help prevent dental problems.

The period of maturation in Anatolian Shepherds is quite long, and therefore they have a longer immune system than other dogs. The body can resist infections only by 3 months of age, so it is important to vaccinate your pet in a timely manner.

In order for the dog to maintain good physical shape, it is necessary to regularly walk with him, play, engage in his training. You cannot keep a pet in the yard around the clock, he must see the world around him.


The Anatolian Shepherds inherited good health from their ancestors, and they do not develop most of the canine diseases that affect representatives of large and giant breeds. They are not afraid of temperature changes, a change of scenery, or intense physical activity.

Still, some dogs develop the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the organs of vision – more often it is entropion (volvulus of the eyelids);
  • joint pathologies (associated with the large weight of the animal and long limbs) or dysplasia caused by a lack of calcium.

If you give the dog vaccinations on time and visit the veterinarian for routine examinations, then practically no problems will arise. With good care, Anatolian Shepherds have a lifespan of 10-12 years.



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